the container

Head ~ Heart ~ Root

I offer one to one conscious conception sessions which honour the conception journey in my beautiful Apothecary in West Sussex

We work in the inter-dimensional portals of the three ‘soul cauldrons’ to alchemise and align the relationship between them and to support you to call in your spirit baby/ies

This is sacred and held space for you to rest fully into your own true nature connected to source and unconditional love. A deeply held shamanic container where we allow the gifts of spirit that loves, honours and respects you to flow

Scroll down to read more about what we explore in these sessions

A chalice of 3 Sessions which are ninety minutes long

The sessions are a combination of energy work, hands on healing including womb healing - especially activating the energetic conception pathways - ancestral healing, integenerational healing and blood mystery alchemy

Investment £333

Due to the nature of this work which needs time, trust and integration this must be booked as a block of three. Sessions are generally paced to allow integration ~ taking the course of a full moon cycle between them. However depending on the guidance we receive and your process it is possible to book a deep dive and have all three sessions in short succession.

I will follow up with you between sessions. I highly encourage you to have your partner book a stand alone session if possible

Once we are on this path together, further individual Womb Alchemy sessions are available at £88, but only once we have travelled through this initial portal together



This is home of your Herstory

We enter into the element of communication both directly and with the support of spirit to assist us. The HEAD session enables us to drop into the experiential nature of your path, clarify patterns arising and give clear sight to anything else that needs to arise. Ultimately we will integrate the Head Heart and Root in alignment


Fire & Water

This is the seat of your Heartistry

This is the alchemy of the heart landscape. These alchemical elemental allies purify and allow clearing and flow. With guidance from our spirit teams we will be supported and directed as to what is required. You will be held to process what needs to be moved



This is how we rebirth your Hearthstory

This session is a womb rebirth and usually integrates a reclamation and blessing of the womb. We integrate the alchemy. Drawing it deeply into embodiment and the root of our being. A restoration of the alignment of these three cauldrons of our being

Please note that this work is flowing, spirallic and personal to you. You may require more sessions & the length of time the process takes can vary. I can not do the work for you but I can walk with you and hold you as you break new ground

“Honouring the bud, the blossom, the bloom, the fruit, the release, the ROT, the rebirth”

Laura Hart Swann

We initiate an exploration of the self

Catalysts for our work may include: inner child healing, your relationships, ancestral trauma, your own birth and placenta story, your early years, the mother wound, the father wound, sexuality, self image, self worth, your fertility journey so far, birth story medicine and placenta trauma, your moon cycle, your land healing. By way of this exploration we will look to integrate these experiences in a way that allows you to heal and transform your relationship to yourself and the world around you

I offer myself as a channel, stepping into the shamanic dimensions and asking for support from your guides, guardians and gatekeepers in spirit

We utilise a range of practices that I have gleaned of over two decades of experience to support your process: breath-work, ritual, song, sound healing, energy work, sacred oils, plant spirit medicine, meditation, affirmation and embodied movement all within the container of elemental dimensions and astrological & cyclical realms

We harness the energy of the moon cycle to assist our journeying, ideally having consecutive sessions in each lunar cycle. I may offer you work to do between the sessions, sharing ways for you to reawaken your inner wise woman and integrate our powerful work together

Link to an article I wrote on Conscious Conception 

supporting others to live their sacred heartistry
