Coming together with our kin to mark, bear witness, honour and celebrate our sacred thresholds 

As a priestess and keeper of sacred thresholds I facilitate beautiful shamanic ceremonies for life's rites of passage. Held in circle you are witnessed and celebrated on the transitions in your path in a way that is unique and meaningful to you and yours 

Mother Blessing ~ Placenta Ceremony ~ Handfasting ~ Baby Name Blessing

Together we co-create a ceremony to honour the threshold being passed through. It may be a witnessing or a participatory ritual for those invited to attend, or it may be a private ceremony

The way I craft ceremony has been a deeply woven offering that I have honed over the last decade of working in this way

My work follows a path of Celtic and Norse shamanic practice ~ that is the medicine of the land and people. I have supported people from a wide variety of backgrounds, ethnicities, religions and spiritual paths

For larger ceremonies we weave a container of community that feels safe and inviting and touches our shared humanity as kin in interconnection 

If you would like to enquire about creating a ceremony together please fill in the FORM and book a call to discuss the ceremony that you would like to co-create 

Get in touch to discuss the cost of what you are looking to create

For One to One Ceremonies such as a Closings please visit the EARTH menu

Tending to Loss
