


Mystery - Initiate - Alchemise - Shapeshift - Root 


In this online membership portal you will receive content that supports you to deepen your own medicine in a slow supportive and sustainable unfolding

Our journey through the wheel of the year takes in the landscape of our life and honours the presence of the ever unfolding cycle and the seasons within it

"“The totality of truth is present in every soul as a seed and can be brought to blossom if the soul devotes itself to the development of that seed.”

Rudolf Steiner

For 12 months
One time

This membership portal flows with the energies of the lunar and solar tides

As you travel through the wheel of the year new content will be revealed each week

Each season we will have the opportunity to gather on a live call

For 12 months
One time

In this mysterium you are the praxis 

 We are drawn here by our kin-unity to:

Honour the Seasons & Cycles in the Wheel of the Year 

Creating Hearthcraft and Sacred Art

Embody our Earth Temples with deep reverence 

Flow with our Solar & Lunar states of being  

Work with the prevailing Astrological influences 

Share Shamanic Rituals for working with the Earth Energies 

Unearth the potent codes within your Blood Mysteries

Attune to Plant Medicine & Folk Herbalism 

Learn to harness your power with Ancestral Alchemy

Remember how to tend to the Sacred Thresholds 

Courageously meet our Shadow Work 

Dance with the Alchemical Archetypes 

Spiral together for a year and a day

Each MOONTH will begin in Ether and work through the elemental flow of creation.

There are four live seasonal community circle zoom calls - an opportunity to connect and share through the flow of energies we have experienced throughout the journey

  • £22 per month payment plan or £200 for the full 13 Moons journey in a one off payment


  • The roots of the temple lie in the ancient priestess moon mystery schools where it was acknowledged that the initiate spiralled for the full cycle of 13 lunar moons

    As your temple guide I will support you to tend to your sacred soul heartistry through

    Seasonal & Cyclical Alignment

    Solar Lunar & Astral Orientation

    Goddess Guidance Codes

    Seasonal ritual ceremony

    Womb Wisdom

    The Sacred Thresholds

    Ancestral Alchemy

    The Shadow Realms

    Native plant kin connection

    Wise Woman Ways

    Shamanic Journeying

  • How it flows

    The Temple doors open on Imbolc 1st February 2024

    There will be some preparation time as we ready ourselves for the journey

    Our spiral initiates on the Aquarius new moon 9th February 2024

    Content will be revealed weekly

    This monthly membership is designed to support you as you work through the material in your own time

    Content will be accessible as long as you are part of the membership

    Each month the cycle will begin again and flow through and with the lunar cycle

    Each week more content is made available in the months container

    There is the opportunity to gather once each season via zoom. The Zoom link for each community circle call is located within the aligning seasons portal and details will be emailed out. For those who are not able to join the circle there will not be a recording in order to maintain the integrity of the space

    From time to time Bonus material will land

    All third spiral content (2023-2024) content will be available until Imbolc 2024 for members of the site

  • There will be one live group zoom per season to allow you to circle with other sisters on the path

    The calls will revolve around the themes of the archetype of the season we are in

    These are optional but in my experience create deep bonds and support so are highly recommended

    Circle dates will be announced and emailed to you

    NB These are not recorded in order to maintain the integrity of the space

  • The commitment is to circle for a full year and a day (13 Moons) in the way of the priestess temple

    Each moon a new moon portal will open and content will reveal weekly through the elemental gateways

    You will be billed monthly or in full for the year in order to access the the content release

    Content will not be released if there is an issue with billing - please do reach out to let us know community@laurahartswan.com if you need support with this

    Should you experience any issues with accessing content you agree to make us aware as soon as possible so that we can resolve the issue.

    You resolve to reach out if you have not received a response within 3 working days - every endevour will be made to respond as quickly as possible

    Content is delivered for the person who has taken up the membership space only

    Sharing of content is not permitted

    Please respect everyone in the live community container and do not share anything from the circle beyond it

    Our expectation is for everyone in the circle to come in integrity and support the intention of the container with respect and resolve. To remain open minded and acknowledge that differences do not need to equal division

    No refunds will be given

    Please inform us with any feedback you have for us to make this an experience that enriches the fertile soil of our lives


Mystery - Initiate - Alchemise - Shapeshift - Root 

If you feel the call the temple doors OPEN 1.2.24

For 12 months
One time
