the container
Head Heart Root
Online 1:1 shamanic support sessions
N.B. a combination of online and in person sessions is also available
A chalice of 3 x 90 minute zoom calls
Investment £333.00
Further individual & remote sessions are available at £111
Please note that if you would like a combination of remote work with a final in person session I can also offer this. I work with women that live abroad and work with me remotely and then when they travel to the UK book in an in person session
We work in the inter-dimensional portals of the three soul cauldrons to alchemise the relationship between them. With guidance from your loving spirit team we will be directed as to what is required
The home of your Herstory
We enter into the element of communication both directly and with the support of spirit to assist us to tap into the root of the issues arising
Fire & Water
The space of your Heartistry
This is the alchemy of tapping into the portal of the heart space unlocking the flow of life force and your sacred heartistry
The rebirth of your Heartistry
We integrate the alchemy in the root of your being. Activating the full embodiment of the light of your unique soul path
Please note that this work is flowing, spirallic and personal to you. You may require more sessions & the length of time the process takes can vary. Remote work may be required. I can not do the work for you but I can walk with you, supporting you to connect to your self sourcing wisdom and hold you as you break new ground
“Honouring the bud, the blossom, the bloom, the fruit, the release, the ROT, the rebirth”
Laura Hart Swann
We initiate an exploration of the self
Guidance, support, lighting the way and a mirror of reflection to see
Themes for our deep dives can include: inner child healing, your relationships, ancestral trauma, your own birth and placenta story, your early years, the mother wound, the father wound, sexuality, self image, self worth, your fertility journey so far, your moon cycle and even where you live. By way of this exploration we will look to finding healing balm to integrate these experiences. This work supports you to unearth your sacred heartistry and birth your desires into the world
We travel back through the threads of belonging to see where the severing and ostracisation of self took place. Once identified we look to unravel deeply held beliefs, patterns and blocks that are causing you to search for more clarity. I offer myself as a channel, stepping into the shamanic dimensions with my clients. We utilise support from elder guides, guardians and gatekeepers in spirit
We utilise a range of practices that I have gleaned over two decades of experience to support your process: Celtic shamanic healing protocols, breath-work, ritual, song, sound healing, energy work, sacred oils, plant medicine, meditation, affirmation and embodied movement all within the container of elemental dimensions and astrological & cyclical realms
We harness the energy of the lunar cycle to assist our journeying, everything unfolding in divine timing. I will offer you work to do between the sessions and share ways for you to reawaken your inner wise woman and integrate our powerful work together
When you reinstate your agency you become the woman the world needs now
Link to an article I wrote on Conscious Conception

In person shamanic rebirth sessions from womb to tomb in a beautiful womb temple