The Alchemy of Apprenticeship

As a soul shepherdess I walk the path as a way shower for other threshold keepers navigating their Sacred Heartistry 

I hold the codes of an initiator on this path. My skills lie in being able to traverse the scorpionic depths of consciousness. Harnessing a disruptor energy, supporting you to uproot outdated and limiting patterns and tend to the shoots of new pathways of being. We step into the vision of your sacred soul path to create alignment to what is your truth, your authenticity to step into integrity of your unique Sacred Heartistry

There is a vulnerability required to step into rebirth, a courageousness to surrender and be seen as new worlds, paradigms and timelines are received. I am here to offer guidance and support on your heroines journey to embrace your wild sovereign feminine. 

This work serves as a reclamation of your sovereign sacred birthright to bring your unique gifts into the world. This great Mother world that needs us in our power and sovereignty more than ever

Whether you are on the path of threshold keeper or birthing a soul seed creative project, I am here to witness & guide you to support you to step into the fullness of your being

I utilise the experience from my Priestess pathway and connection to the Rose, Venus and Myrrophoric lineage as a guide. We call on the guidance of our spirit teams to support ancestral intergenerational healing. We are supported by plant spirit and earth spirit consciousness on our journey. There are many maps that inform our journey in a subtle layering ~ Astrology, the womens wheel, the wheel of the year, our unique cyclical flow - the list goes on and forms a nuanced, complex and cosmic blueprint of your unique Sacred Heartistry

1 Moon Portal 

Matriarchal MENTOR

Connecting in one 90 minute session (1 x 1:1 session in total) & additional integration support via email

Exchange £111

Seasonal 3 month & bespoke containers are also available

3 Moons Portal 

Matriarchal MATERSHIP

Working through a full season with a monthly 90 minute session (3 x 1:1 sessions in total) & additional integration support through voicenotes

Exchange £444

Seasonal bespokely tailored containers

13 Moons Portal 


A year and a day container with monthly two hour sessions (12 x 1:1 sessions in total) & additional integration support. Shamanic healing protocols and sacred tools

Exchange £2222

Payment Plan Available. I only work with a limited number of women per year in this deep container

Payment plans are available

Contact to discuss how we can work together

Spiral in the way of the traditional mystery school of 13 moons together through the wheel of womanhood
