You are welcome to the Wild Alchemy Apothecary & Garden

Plants come in their entirety as powerful healers ~ here we work with whole plant healing

Working alchemically with native plant medicine to elicit transformation and support holistic healing

You are your own healer

My role is to support your reflective practice of self sovereign health, examine your constitution elementally and work with you to determine what plant allies will be helpful holistically (physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically, etherically and spiritually) to support you to balance and heal. With intention to address the root, rather than the symptoms

This is an offering in which you step into relationship with the plants in a way that brings about powerful transformation. Plant, person and planet evolution

My offerings are either grown in my medicine garden or foraged respectfully in line with the tenets of intuitive indigenous folk herbalism. Ideally coming to the medicine garden itself to commune directly with the plants is part of the process but this offering is also available online


45 min appointment

Herbal blend and postage incures a separate charge

One by donation slot available per month for those in need email: laura@laurahartswann.com

Digital Content

Digital content to connect to the rich earth mother teachings wherever you lay your hat

Click here for the Rosemary Masterclass with Animama