Shamanic journey work ~ Threshold Tending ~ Ritual ~ Ceremony ~ Embodiment Process ~ Womb Wisdom ~ Ancestral Alchemy ~ Shadow work ~ Sacred Myrrophore

Work with me one to one through my live online offerings 

My work spans from womb to tomb

 I am here to support you through the thresholds of transitions & rites of passage

Our lives are full of endings and beginnings and punctuated by the threshold over which we step and rebirth ourselves anew

Women come to me for support with the full spectrum of life - pre conception, early pregnancy loss, herbal & spiritual support on the road to conscious conception, birth trauma transformation, birthing sacred projects, death & loss ~ I support you to be held and seen as you rebirth yourself

We will embark on a unique journey together. Within a sacred space I will guide you through rituals and embodied processes that enable you to access your own unique divine feminine power. My aim is to support you as you align to your innate wisdom, power and intuition. We work with the support of spirit to assist us on the path 

But she that dares not grasp the thorn should never crave the rose
— Anne Bronte

Welcome SACRED heart

to the 13 Moons Memberspace ~ in this container you will deepen your own medicine in a slow and sustainable unfolding through our women’s wheel of the traditional mystery school offering of a year and a day
